
  • V. V. Koval National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv
  • V. O. Kotlubai National University "Odessa Law Academy", Odesa
  • V. A. Bondar Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odesa



government regulation, management, infrastructure, stock market.


The article discloses the foundations of the stock market development and understanding the essence of the stock market infrastructure based on the study of existing approaches to state regulation of the provision of financial services, in particular in the stock market. A key component of the stock market infrastructure is the implementation of exchange trading in securities, which is determined by the volume and number of securities on stock exchanges. The analysis of the conditions for the development and growth of the total volume of exchange trading in securities in the framework of the analysis of the dynamics of trading on the stock market of Ukraine in 2014–2020, which is determined by the desire to increase the capitalization of market participants. The conditions for the development of the stock market infrastructure and measures of government influence on the participants in financial relations, which will include sufficient institutional, organizational, technical, financial support for their interaction in the market, are indicated. It is noted that the key in the development of the stock market is the mechanism of state regulation and self-regulation. The directions of state regulation in the development of the stock market have been determined, which implies the implementation of measures to improve the activity of capital markets in order to attract additional investmentresources to the country's economy and reduce the barriers to access to the stock market. In this context, government regulation should help to strengthen the institutional foundations of the stock market with the improvement of the processes of issuing government debt securities, as one of the most effective tools for attracting monetary resources to the country's economy at the present stage. However, this can be achieved by developing a comprehensive strategy for managing government debt securities and studying the possibility of their targeted use for those industries or projectsthat ensure economic development and create prerequisites for expandedreproduction.

Author Biographies

V. V. Koval, National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv

Doctor of Economics, Professor

V. O. Kotlubai, National University "Odessa Law Academy", Odesa

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

V. A. Bondar, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odesa

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.)


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