assets, enterprise asset management, asset system optimization, current assets, non-current assets.Abstract
The publication is devoted to the generalization of the category of assets and substantiation of economic activity of the enterprise for their management. The key directions of optimization of the asset system are determined, the priority ways of increase of efficiency of asset management of the enterprise are substantiated. Particular attention when creating a system of measures for asset management in Ukrainian enterprises should be paid to the introduction of regular current financial analysis, including factor and forecast, using modern economic and mathematical methods and relevant software. That is why it is advisable to prevent the obsolescence of existing software in enterprises by regularly updating it to the latest versions, integration with professional electronic systems and information platforms, and so on. Adherence to these measures will have a positive impact on the state of monetary resources, will allow you to quickly see and implement effective factors to reduce the cost of production and increase product quality. In order to form the optimal structure of enterprise assets, there is a need to create a personalized asset management strategy, which would be based on the general principles of improving the efficiency of such management. In particular, it is mandatory to determine the optimal amount of stock; setting limits on receivables; change of terms of contracts for full or partial prepayment for products; effective management of cash balances by investing them in investments or other profitable activities; increasing the absolute liquidity of the company; creation or improvement of the plan of payments and receipts; control over accounts payable and compliance with the terms of its payment; measures to increase the turnover and profitability of the enterprise.References
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