
  • A. Yu. Yakymchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



territorial community, state, economic culture, society, sustainable development, strategy.


The modern paradigm of theoretical views on the role and place of man in the reproductive process involves a high level not only of general culture but also of economic culture in particular. In recent years, as a result of decentralization reform in Ukraine, managerial emphasis on strengthening the cultural, economic and political development of territorial communities has changed. This encourages in modern conditions to justify new approaches to solving the problem of economic culture on the ground, requires from each individual updated qualifications, a high level of preparation for professional activity, which implicitly has a component ofeconomic culture. In such new ecological, financial, socio-political conditions, each individual (especially young people) must find their place in the system of social reproduction, realize their potential in achieving high results of their activities. Only under such conditions is it possible to form the most important components of economic culture. Each society has been characterized by unique features of economic culture. In Ukraine, the level of economic culture is determined by the level of per capita income, the current economic and military-political situation in the country, social ethics, public and public morality, the level of education of citizens, indicators ofinformatization of the neighborhood. One of the important functions of economic culture is informational in terms of the impact of digitalization on the economic choice of citizens, strengthening the impact of digitaltransformation. Modern society can coordinate its actions only throughknowledge of the functions of economic culture, which opens a direct path toimproving the well-being of society.

Author Biography

A. Yu. Yakymchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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