
  • V. V. Dzhyndzhoian Dnipro University of the Humanities



enterprise, strategic management, information potential, information systems, levels of use, management decisions, problems.


The article deals with the use of information potential in strategic enterprise management. It is proved that without the enterprise strategic management, analysis and planning systems it is difficult to imagine the success of any enterprise. The main goals of the enterprise areidentified, which are aimed at meeting the needs of users in a certainproduct, accelerating scientific and technological progress in production, improving the economic efficiency of production of the product and certain activities, working with staff. It is determined that moderninformation systems are characterized by the purpose of their use atdifferent levels of management (strategic, managerial, knowledge,operational). At the operational level, transaction processing systemsare used. At the level of knowledge, office automated and professionalsystems are used. At the management level, automated control systems, individual and group support systems of middle and upper management solutions are used. It is determined that the main tool in strategic management is the information potential of the enterprise. It is proved that the implementation of management decision-making approaches involves the unification and standardization of processes. It is found that it is advisable to optimize the system of strategic management of the enterprise by implementing the algorithm of organizational design of management technology. It is proposed to develop the system of strategic management of the enterprise by intensifying the use of information potential of the enterprise.

Author Biography

V. V. Dzhyndzhoian, Dnipro University of the Humanities

Associate Professor


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