tourism industry, the mechanism of public administration, tools, methods and forms of management, organizational, informational, personnel, scientific, methodological and material and technical support.Abstract
The article, on the basis of scientific approaches and current Ukrainian legislation, defines the content of the mechanism of state administration of the tourism industry. The characteristic of the constituent elements of the management mechanism in the field of such as: objects, subjects, tools, methods and forms of management, organizational, informational, personnel, scientific, methodological and material and technical support has been carried out. The authors proposed a generalized structure of the mechanism of state management of the tourism industry, which served as the basis for the construction of a modern mechanism of public administration of the tourism industry of Ukraine. Such a mechanism is a set of tools, forms and methods of purposeful influence of public authorities on the development of objects of the tourism industry. It creates the conditions for effective cooperation of state authorities, local government and the private sector in the development of tourism and allows you to create systemic bases of development in accordancewith the objectives, available resources, and management requirements. The use of the mechanism implies a significant increase in the level of efficiency of tourism management in Ukraine.References
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