investments, taxes, taxation system, investment and innovation activity.Abstract
The article deals with the generalization of the world experience in the development of taxation in the conditions of globalization of economic processes. It determines that in modern conditions, the classical principles of taxation have not lost their relevance and are defined by organizational and legal principlesspecific to each individual state. Tax policy is the most effective way to influence the investment activity of enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the state in relation to investment, economic adjustment policies, search for the optimal combination of state and market regulation. The article emphasizes that the distributive function of taxes as an instrument of purposeful influence on social and economic processes becomes more and more important.The current state of Ukrainian taxation helps to increase the deficit of financial, material and informational resources necessary for the formation of conditions for economic growth. The development of the Ukrainian tax system does not usually correlate with the positive processes and phenomena that it is called to serve. The article analyzes the tax regulation of investments in leading foreign countries. The USA experience is considered and the methods of stimulation of investment-innovation activity are determined. The authors examined the People’s Republic of China, which carried out the reform of corporate profit taxation, and it is resulted to stop operation of the differentiated system of the national and foreign companies profit taxation and introduced a unified taxation procedure. Taxation system of Germany as one of the most developed countries in the world is also described. It is noted that international tax practice does not use reduction of the tax rate on profit as stimulus measures even during the period of the financial and economic crisis. However it is proposed to transfer losses on previous periods, and it would allow organizations to receive financial support from the state (if previous years of activity were profitable) and partially compensate the negative de-stimulating effect of the alternative minimum tax introduction; as well as introduction of the differentiated profit tax rate for companies engaged in development of new technologies.References
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