financial stability of the enterprise, solvency, system of indicators, evaluation criteria, components of financial stability, stable development, factors of influence.Abstract
The article substantiates the importance of the category of “stability” in the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise in the financial and economic crisis, examines the scientific approaches to clarify its nature, role and importance, the methodology for assessing its level and identify promising areas to improve the effectiveness of its management. The problem of financial sustainability of enterprises, operating in a market economy, is among the mostimportant not only financial, but also economic problems, so this article considers the theoretical approaches to the definition of the economic content of the notion ”financial stability of an enterprise”, disclosed the value and necessity of its analysis in market conditions. Poorly studied in scientific works of questions remain communication financial stability with the other components of the financial condition of the enterprise, which clearly shown in this article. Lists the factors and symptoms, which is determined and depends on a financiallysustainable enterprise. The main attention is paid to the need for a timely analysis of the financial soundness of individual economic entities. Defined role of the financial stability of the enterprise for sustainable development, both individual enterprises and society as a whole. In scientific literature there is no single view on the essence of the category "financial stability", the analysis of scientific-methodical sources illustrates the ambiguities in the definition of this concept is, therefore, suggested that systematic and generalized definition of financial stability of the enterprise. Funds of operative neutralization of risk of decline of financial firmness are here provided, recommendations are given in relation to the use of indexes for estimation of financial firmness. The result of this analysis has shown us that financial stability emerges as a major precondition and result of providing financial security of the company.References
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