
  • I. L. Sazonets National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. S. Salenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


entrepreneurship, agrarian, industrial, postindustrial, system, transition, corporate, hi-tech.


It is determined that the development of the Ukrainian business sectoris based on a fairly extensive regulatory framework, cooperation with international organizations. The main task of these organizations is to stimulate entrepreneurship. The importance of active state bodies in the management of entrepreneurship is proven. It is important to take into account the latest trends in international cooperation and opportunities for using Ukraine’s industrial, scientific and educational potential in the global economy; It is proved that corporate entrepreneurship is an independent form of entrepreneurship, which was formed in the industrial socioeconomic system. The main type of production in these conditions was the secondary sector of the economy. It was characterized by a high level of division of labor, extensive development of means of communication and informatization, the development of urbanization, the priority of processing industries. Corporate entrepreneurship has evolved into a separate form of hightech entrepreneurship in post-industrial countries and post-industrial transition countries; It has been determined that the post-industrial transition and the economic system of the countries-enclaves of post-industrial society provide the opportunity for small entrepreneurs to develop. They work in the field of outsourcing as freelancers and most often using the opportunities of information technology and communication systems. The activities of such entrepreneurs are in one way or another associated with the activities of large corporations. Very often they work at the order of corporations in the field of programming, advertising, communication, design, catering and other types of services. It is established that high-tech business, which is developing today in Ukraine on the basis of the existing material and technical base, the existing system of training for high-tech industries and attraction of foreign capital, confirms the affiliation of our country with the countries of the post-industrial transition. The main feature of this business is the presence of powerful national innovation corporative structures.

Author Biographies

I. L. Sazonets, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

A. S. Salenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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