
  • N. B. Savina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • M. K. Yavorska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


foreign experience, reform, scientific sphere, organization of scientific researches, sources of financing of scientific researches, mechanism of state regulation of the scientific sphere of the country.


The article describes the experience of reforming the scientific sphere in foreign countries. For comparative analysis of the experience, three groups of countries have been selected, which at the certain stages of development of their countries have made an effective reform of the scientific sphere: the countries of Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Poland); North American countries (USA, Canada) Asian countries (Japan, China). It has been determined that the high levels of science financing in the world for many years have countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany, France, China. Theresearch of the most important components of the scientific sphere was conducted for each of the selected groups of countries: the structure of the system of research organization organization, key sources investing in scientific research. Based on the experience of reforming the scientific sphere in foreigncountries, it was concluded that the development of science was not without national support. The analyzed countries responded in a timely manner to the fact that without science and innovation, a fullfledged development of the state that can compete with other countries in the international arena is impossible.For the development of the scientific sphere in Ukraine it is necessary to implement its reformation, using the experience of leading international states and taking into account its own, in particular: to create an effective system of distribution of public resources, to provide an effective system of financial regulation of research and development (R & D ); to create optimal systems of redistribution of financial and credit risks R & D; cooperate with foreign R & D actors. This allowed to elaborate economic, social and organizational-legalmeasures to improve the mechanism of state regulation of the scientific sphere of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

N. B. Savina, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

M. K. Yavorska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



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