
  • O. V. Kotyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • B. M. Khibeba National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



corporate conflict, conflict of interest, corporate relations, subjects of corporate conflicts, joint stock company.


The article considers the meaning of the concept of "corporate conflict". Among the large number of interpretations among scientists, identified three main views on this concept. It is studied that corporate conflict is a kind of conflict of interest. The meaning of the terms "conflict of interest" and "corporate conflict" is distinguished, the relationship between them is analyzed. The subjective composition of the participants of corporate relations in relation to the joint-stock company is determined. The types of corporate conflicts depending on the subject composition, which may affect the financial and economic activities of companies, are considered. The bases of occurrence of corporate conflicts in joint-stock companies are defined. The main approaches to the causes of corporate conflicts are outlined. The most important features of the organizational, legal and economic nature of the classical joint-stock company, which inevitably give rise to conflicts of various sizes and types, are identified. The main types of violations of shareholders' rights in Ukraine and countries with emerging securities markets have been identified. The objective necessity of developing a mechanism for resolving corporate conflicts is substantiated.Defined the two main blocks into which the resolution of corporate conflicts in joint-stock companies is divided are internal and external. It has been studied that the judicial procedure for resolving is the most effective means of resolving corporate conflicts and has a number of advantages. The current legal remedies for resolving conflicts in a joint-stock company are highlighted. Not only ways to resolve and resolve corporate conflicts, but also to prevent them from occurring in a joint stock company have been explored.Diagnosis and prevention of corporate conflicts allow to ensure theobservance and protection of the rights of owners, as well as the interestsand business reputation of the company, which has a positive impact on its image and is an important indicator for potential investors.

Author Biographies

O. V. Kotyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer

B. M. Khibeba, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Applicant for higher education of the first (bachelor's) level


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