
  • O. V. Zaiachkivska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



project financing, investments, project, project life cycle.


The success of investment activity is largely determined by the ways inwhich it is financed. The ability of an enterprise to accumulate sufficientfunds to realize investments affects the speed with which investments arebrought to the market and, therefore, their commercial success. Fundingprinciples should focus on many sources of financing and allow for the rapid and efficient implementation of investments with their commercialization, which will increase the financial return on investment. Given the low level of provision of enterprises with their own funds, lack of state funding, the search for efficient sources and optimal forms of financing investment projects becomes especially necessary. The article deals with the current state of project financing in Ukraine. The author analyzes in detail the specifics of project financing in the world. The concept of project financing by foreign scientists is presented. This is a characteristic of the types of project financing, including bank financing. Exploring different perspectives of the leading economists of the world in the field of project finance, the author considered the possibilities of their application in the process of financing investment projects. The recommendations of development of project financing in Ukraine are offered, namely: promoting the attractiveness of the country’s investment climate for raising capital; ensuring the availability of long-term investment loans to borrowers by reducing their value, in particular by reviewing the existing system of commercial banks’ funds reserves in the direction of reducing the provisioning rate; introduction of state reimbursement (in part) of interest rates on long-term investment loans directed to priority sectors of the economy, and anticipate these amounts of reimbursement in the state budget; improving the legislative framework in the area of risk matching and sharing; improving bank lending conditions.

Author Biography

O. V. Zaiachkivska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professorof the Department of Finance and Environmental Economics


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