
  • O. M. Harnaha National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



land market, market regulation, mortgage lending, land management, infrastructure, land relations.


The article deals with the organizational and economic vectors of theagricultural land market regulation. The tools of the land market regulation are investigated. A model of agricultural land market circulation is proposed and issues of market infrastructure improvement are highlighted.Land reform has always been a fundamental link to radical changes inthe economy in the agro-industrial system. The transition to marketrelations and the development of the mechanism of the land market, causes a fundamental change in the entire land system of the country. The problems of market circulation of agricultural land and the development of organizational and economic vectors for its regulation are of paramount importance for the practical implementation of agrarian reform and the strengthening of incentives for rational land use. However, despite the significant relevance of the problem of market circulation of land in modern agrarian policy and processes of transformation of the industry, their theoretical development lags behind the current requirements of rational use and protection of land, and this has a very negative impact on the social and environmental aspects of the development of the entire agrarian sector.Therefore, the launch of an effective agricultural land market in Ukraine, as well as the vectors of its organizational and economic regulation, remain strategic issues, from which depend on the further development of land relations and the national economy as a whole.In our opinion, Ukraine needs a new organizational and economicparadigm in terms of forming effective land relations and the relevantagricultural land market, especially in conditions where the country’seconomy has already begun reformatting to market bases, and the internal mechanism of self-regulation of these relations is either not expanding or is scarce to all sectors of the national economy, including the agricultural sector. Therefore, we propose an appropriate toolkit for regulation of the agricultural land market, the use of which will help to solve a number of tasks in this area. Thus, the directions of organizational and economic regulation should be directed not at making decisions in the context of individual land-use objects, but at the formation of total conditions and rules that will allow landowners and land-users to develop individual plans of agricultural land use within certain norms and established restrictions.

Author Biography

O. M. Harnaha, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associated Professor


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