debt security, financial and economic security management, debt security indicators, public and government guaranteed debt, average weighted yield of T-bills.Abstract
The realities of Ukraine’s debt policy show an increase in the debt ofthe state, both domestic and foreign. Significant debt dependency canendanger national security, including its financial security and debt security components. The purpose of this study is to unveil the theoretical and methodological foundations of forming and assessing the debt security of the state, to identify the main threats, to systematize and analyze their values for Ukraine in terms of approximation to the established critical limits, to develop possible recommendations for improving the system of debt security indicators and their critiques modern realities. In accordance with the stated goal, we outlined the following tasks: to study the theoretical and methodological principles of the level of assessment of the debt security of the state; to analyze the main debt security indicators of Ukraine; identify major threats and propose ways to improve Ukraine’s debt security. Variousindicators are used to assess the level of debt security: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the author discloses the theoretical and methodological principles of the formation and assessment of debt security оf Ukraine, its main threats and dangers, their systematic and analyzed values. In our view, debt instruments cannot be solved solely by debt policy instruments. It is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at reducing inflation, strengthening the national currency (hryvnia), optimizing the structure of budget expenditures on the principles of clear monetary constraints, optimizing sources and forms of financing public debt, channeling government borrowings to the real investment sector, stimulating domestic markets businesses through fiscal instruments. The state debt security level has been assessed and directions for improving public debt management and debt security optimization have been proposed. In general, public debt management and the optimization of debt security should become one of the key tasks of the state’s economic policy, since reducing the debt of the statemeans reducing dependence on creditors, which in turn means increasingnot only economic but also political independence of the state.References
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