
  • L. I. Beztelesna National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • N. M. Prokopchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



personnel, marketing, enterprise, card of individual professional development, network interaction, personnel potential, personnel reserve, planning


This article assumes that the marketing of personnel is a type of management activity in the enterprise. It is proved that the use of marketing personnel requires cost. The sources of coverage of staffing needs are highlighted and emphasis is placed on the expediency of using active and internal resources.The results of realization of business strategies and personnel management of the enterprise are analyzed. The conducted economic analysis of the results of activity of the state enterprise ‘Bereznivsky forestry’ in 2014-2016 shows the successful implementation of the business strategy. It was established that the implementation of the strategy of personnel management of the enterprise is consumer and unsatisfactory, as the characteristic is high fluidity. It is determined that the greatest turnover of staff is illustrated by the age group of 15-35 years old men who have incomplete and basic higher education andwork as workers. It was established that the company does not engage in the marketing of its own personnel, namely its development through training, retraining and advanced training. It is through the implementation of personal marketing activities for its own employees that the company can build an effective personnel management.It is proposed to start the process of practical introduction of personnel marketing at the enterprise through the system of individual professional development cards, which will enable the process of retraining and professional development of specialists to be comprehensive and qualitative. To establish network interaction with educational institutions that train specialists for the needs of the enterprise. The mechanism of formation of network interaction of the enterprise and educational institution is constructed. The task of eachparticipant of such network interaction is determined. To calculate the needs and volumes of marketing personnel, a medium-term forecast for the number of staff was built. Estimated cost of training 1 specialist in the system of higher education to meet the needs of the enterprise in the formation of personnel reserve.The proposed program for improving the marketing of the staff of the State Enterprise ‘Bereznivskyi forestry’ confirms the social and economic feasibility of training and development of its own personnel, which will be reflected in the growth of labor productivity and decrease of personnel turnover, which will help to form a strong staff of employees aimed at high results of work and effective activity of the enterprise. the future.

Author Biographies

L. I. Beztelesna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. M. Prokopchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



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