


enterprise potential, potential diagnostics, diagnostic methods, stages of business diagnostics, diagnostic process


The article examines the peculiarities of carrying out business diagnostics of the enterprise, in modern conditions of war, after the invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, which is an extremely difficult task.Given the current situation, it is extremely important for managers to see business threats and opportunities, realistically assess  the company’s potential, develop and implement business preservation measures. Thus, it is necessary to carry out periodic diagnostics of the company’s potential in order to obtain reliable information about  the state of one’s own business and threats, since the use of actual information support for development modeling in the future allows to achieve the sustainability of entrepreneurial activity. That is why it should be noted that the diagnosis of the company’s potential can be carried out comprehensively and in stages, examining the company’s potential according to its specific constituent elements. Considering that the entrepreneurial potential has a systemic nature, we believe that its diagnosis involves an in-depth study of the economic activity of the enterprise with the aim of forming an information base, relevant conclusions, forecasts for substantiating management  decisions regarding the priority and prospects of business development actions, as well as identifying problems in potential business structure and determination of ways to overcome them. Since the success of the diagnostic process depends on correctly selected methodological support.The study of literary sources made it possible to conclude that to solve the tasks of diagnosing the commercial potential of the enterprise and assessment methods related to the definition and provision of a strategic perspective of development.In addition, it was determined which methods are the most appropriate for assessing the competitiveness of the potential and its individual components.To perform the task of diagnosing the potential of the enterprise in order to identify the threat to the stability of the functioning of the production system and the possibility of a financial crisis, complex research methods and integral methods of establishing the possibility of bankruptcy are used. the most frequently used, namely: the five-factor model of E. Altman, the model of R. Lees, the model of R. Tuffler, the model of H. Springate, the model of O. O. Tereshchenko and others.The practice of enterprise management shows that the reliability of the conclusions based on the results of the diagnostic procedure is ensured thanks to the clarity of the formation of goals, compliance with certain rules (principles) and the use of methods capable of solving the tasks. As a result, the most optimal process of conducting business diagnostics of the company’s potential was determined as part of the general process of managing the company.The importance of diagnosing the potential of an enterprise is related to the fact that the latter is endowed with a wide content, it involves the study of the main characteristics and indicators of the development of the enterprise as an open socio-economic system, a comprehensive systematic assessment of the influence of internal and external factors, the development of a system of measurements aimed at achieving the specified development goals business.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Kuznietsova, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Professor

Tetiana Adamchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer




