marketing, legal framework, pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical marketing, brand management.Abstract
The research is aimed at developing theoretical foundations anddeveloping practical recommendations for improving the legal frameworkfor brand management in the pharmaceutical market in the context ofpharmaceutical marketing. It has been substantiated that in order toincrease the investment attractiveness of the domestic pharmaceuticalmarket, it is necessary to improve the legal framework for brandmanagement in the pharmaceutical market, which will allow pharmaceutical companies to strengthen their competitive positions in the international and regional markets and operate in the legal field of intellectual property protection.The theoretical foundations of the brand management strategy ofpharmaceutical companies are developed, based on classical models of brand management, which provide for the possibility at the stage of brand formation to resolve issues of intellectual property protection.With the help of methods of generalization and system analysis,theoretical and methodological recommendations were formed on the legal foundations of brand management in the pharmaceutical market in the context of pharmaceutical marketing, the implementation of which will allow developing an effective mechanism for managing brands of pharmaceutical companies in conditions of risk and uncertainty as a result of the negative influence of environmental factors in order to ensure their competitiveness.References
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