
  • N. E. Kovshun National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • N. V. Koba International University of Finance, Kyiv
  • M. O. Koba International University of Finance, Kyiv



social capital, network, digitization, network structure, socio -economic relations, demand, innovative development.


The article is devoted to determining the influence of social capital onthe functioning of network structures in the knowledge economy. Definitionsof networks and network structures are analyzed. Social capital is definedas a common basis for all levels of network structures. The levels ofnetwork structures and social capital are determined. It is noted that socialcapital provides high economic efficiency of network structures by achievinga synergistic effect of the interaction of their individual participants. It isestablished that the effectiveness of innovative development of theenterprise largely depends on the network of socio-economic relations ofthe enterprise, aimed at accumulating its social capital. Socio-economicrelations of the enterprise are considered as a formed system of informationand communication elements of social and economic nature, which allowsthe enterprise to function and develop. The scheme of social and economicrelations of the enterprise in their close interaction and interdependencewith the external environment is given. There are three groups of relationsin the network of socio-economic relations: social external relations, socialinternal relations and economic relations. The structure of each of thegroups is revealed. It is established that the internal relations of theenterprise are reflected in its foreign economic relations and vice versa. Thescientific novelty of the study is to consider network structures through theprism of social capital and the development of the enterprise scheme as anetwork of socio-economic relations, which are the basis for the formationof social capital. in associations with other enterprises, through thedevelopment of social capital. The influence of digitalization on theformation of consumer demand, the satisfaction of which requires newsocial connections and the corresponding social capital, is shown. Furtherresearch requires methods and tools for the formation and development ofsocial capital in network structures at the inter-organizational level ofinteraction.

Author Biographies

N. E. Kovshun, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. V. Koba, International University of Finance, Kyiv

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

M. O. Koba, International University of Finance, Kyiv



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