
  • V. V. Netepchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. Y. Netepchuk Professional medical college of municipal institution of higher education "Rivne medical academy", Rivne



Self-management, self-management policy, manager, thinking, approaches to thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, asymmetric thinking.


The article examines the content of the main functions of selfmanagement and their connection with the process of human thinking in order to understand and reflect the world, design activities, predict the consequences of their own actions and predict the future, learning about knowledge and its meaningful transformation, to develop rules, norms, standards of human and society life, self-knowledge and introspection, interpretation, understanding of the products of human activity, analytical and synthetic functions in the process of processing the received information. The content of different approaches to the thinking process in the context of the uniqueness of specific types of management activities at different stages of development of the manager and organization in order to learn, foresee, predict events, master the laws of objective reality and use the results to meet the needs and interests of the entity. The purpose of writing the article is a theoretical study of approaches to thinking, features of creative and critical thinking as a basic component of the process of forming a self-management policy of a modern manager. The results of the study of the content of critical and creative thinking, their functional differences in self-development management, including in the process of forming self-management policy, analysis of the content of its models provide theoretical justification for the use of asymmetric thinking in self-management policy formation. Asymmetric thinking is both a form of critical and creative thinking. The synergy of many dynamic connections in the interaction of the proposed eight vectors of asymmetric thinking: scale, failure management, speed of development, economy, accessibility, algorithms, magnetism, stories create a synergistic effect of self-development of personality and social system.

Author Biographies

V. V. Netepchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer, Honoured Education Worker of Ukraine

A. Y. Netepchuk, Professional medical college of municipal institution of higher education "Rivne medical academy", Rivne

Head of the cyclе committee of foreign languages, Lecturer of English


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