world influence, Soviet architecture, industrial production, modern architecture, new modernismAbstract
The short analysis of world influence is conducted on development ofsoviet and Ukrainian architecture of the last decades of past century,the basic factors of industrial production, that gave a push todevelopment of the newest architecture, are certain. The displays ofnew modernism are educed and described in the Rivne architectsprojects of architectural objects in 1970-1990. As protest in a fightagainst the typical planning, young architects of that time created therow of individual projects of objects of the different settings,architecture of that incarnated the signs of new architecture simplicityof vivid and decorative facilities, presence of innovative and technicaldecisions, attempt to adhere to the world tendencies in a townplanning and to architecture. Each of these objects has differentcharacter of architectural decisions, but all of them are united by a novelty and innovation, walking away from stereotypes and dogmas,search of new forms, harmony and beauty. Totality of these and otherdescriptions can be attributed to the displays of new modernisttendencies, that existed in architecture of that period (1970-1990).References
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