
  • I. V. Shumakov Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • R. I. Mikautadze Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • M. H. Saliia Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • I. I. Liakhov Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture


construction period, optimization, forecasting, urban environment


The development of major city centers in modern Ukraine is hardly possible without developing and taking advantage of underground space. It is important to understand that the problems of developing the underground space in the central areas of large cities are closely connected with other problems of urban development. This mainly concerns the construction of buildings in the context of the dense built environment, the construction under unfavorable engineering and geological conditions, as well as other problems of construction in a megalopolis. According to European norms, the construction of new buildings under the conditions of dense built environment belongs to category 3, which the most complicated category of geotechnical works. The article explores the comprehensive effect of different factors of  urban environment on the estimated construction period of the substructure of civic buildings. The article describes and analyzes the process of building the underground part in an 18-story residential building with a one-level underground parking that is now under construction in Kharkiv. The construction process was complicated due to the fact that the building site is located in the immediate vicinity of a maternity hospital. Initially, the piling field was supposed to be made with the help of the impact method, but under the pressure of the local community, the impact method technology was replaced by the method of jacking. These changes led to a number of alterations in the construction technology and significantly changed the feasibility parameters of the construction. The whole case study demonstrates the way how a number of various factors of the urban environment caused the actual period of construction to be more than four times as long as it was estimated in the beginning. It was determined which situations result in higher costs of construction. It is also highlighted that the realistic duration of construction depends on how ample and precise are the values of the parameters that describe the organizational and  technological model considering the aggregate influence of various factors of the urban environment. The major factors of urban  environment were singled out and classified. In order to optimize the construction period, the imitation model was suggested helping to  estimate the effect of different factors of urban environment on the construction period of the substructure of civic buildings. The presented  results of the research can be applied when making decisions that concern the design and manufacturing processes.

Author Biographies

I. V. Shumakov, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Doctor of Engineering, Professor

R. I. Mikautadze, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Post-graduate Student

M. H. Saliia, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

I. I. Liakhov, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Post-graduate Student


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