
  • H. M. Yurchyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • N. M. Samoliuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




income, income formation, primary income, secondary income, salary, profit, social transfers, pension provision.


The paper summarizes theoretical studies on the determination of the essence, factors of formation, and classification of incomes of the population. According to the criterion of participation in social production, incomes are divided into factor incomes (including entrepreneurial profit, wages, rents) and transfers (pensions, scholarships, social benefits).According to the method of formation, primary and secondary incomes are distinguished. The author proposes his own approach to structuring the factors that affect income by levels of their formation. Among them are economic and socio-demographic factors. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of GDP per capita in Ukraine and the EU as a prerequisite for the formation of the level of income of the population is carried out. The dynamics of the main indicators of nominal and real incomes of the population in Ukraine is studied (the latter significantly decreased in 2014–2016).In the structure of the population’s income, wages, social benefits and other current transfers, profits remain invariably the most significant. The peculiarities of the formation of the level and structure of incomes of the population of Ukraine by such criteria as place of residence, composition of households, their decile distribution, as well as economic zoning are revealed. The highest level of income in Ukraine is in urban areas. Urban residents on average have a significantly higher share of wages in their incomes compared to rural residents. Significantly lower income levels in Ukraine are found in those households that include persons of retirement age and consist of four or more persons. The decile distribution of households in Ukraine shows their significant differentiation by income. The highest share of wages in total income is observed in the seventh tenth decile group, and pensions – in the first decile. The highest level of income is in the Central and Carpathian regions, the lowest – in the Eastern region. The amount, share and internal structure of primary and secondary incomes of the population in Ukraine are determined. The share of primary income in Ukraine prevails and is slightly increasing over time. At the same time, the share of secondary income slightly decreased during 2014–2021. Thestructure of primary income is dominated by wages and salaries and mixed income, while secondary income is dominated by social assistance and other current transfers.

Author Biographies

H. M. Yurchyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

N. M. Samoliuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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