
  • O. V. Zaiachkivska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



management of economic security of the enterprise, principles of economic security.


The article examines the essence of the concept of «economic security of the enterprise» and various approaches to its interpretation. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is made up of the works of domestic and foreign scientists. The results of the conducted research indicate that the  economic security of the enterprise is a state in which the resources of the enterprise are used most effectively to prevent threats and ensure the current and prospective efficiency of the enterprise.The principles of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise are defined. Economic security must comply with the principles of complexity, timeliness, continuity, activity, legality, economic expediency, specialization, interaction and coordination, improvement and decentralization of management. The novelty of the study consists in the systematization and substantiation of the main principles of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. The list of problems that must be solved to ensure the economic security of the enterprise is as follows: incomplete definition of the complex of components of economic security of the enterprise; serious problems in the formalized description of the dynamic properties of the enterprise in order to ensure economic certainty regarding the action of destabilizing factors; difficulties in drawing up criteria for evaluating the components of economic security and their gradation according to different levels of security; there are no generally recognized national methods for assessing the level of the economic security components of the enterprise,the approaches recognized in foreign practice cannot always be applied in the conditions of the transitory economy of Ukraine; lack of methodology for determining the level of economic security of the enterprise, taking intoaccount all its components. This problem is important because the levels of different components are determined on different scales, which makes itdifficult to arrive at a single comprehensive indicator. Directions for strengthening and strengthening the financial condition of the enterprise areproposed, which will provide an opportunity to strengthen economic security, increase the efficiency of management and achieve sufficient development potential. 

Author Biography

O. V. Zaiachkivska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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