population, employment, unemployment, labor force, labor market.Abstract
This paper examines the situation on the labour market of Ukraine. The authors conducted the inherent structural and dynamic analysis of the key indicators, particularly: employment and unemployment level, the average time it takes to find a job, the availability of job vacancies, the number of registered unemployed (those registered by the State Employment Service), and the load per one (1) vacancy. The study revealed that in 2020, compared to 2019, the average number of employed among people aged 15–70 decreased by 663 thousand people and amounted to 15.9 million people. The employment rate decreased from 58.2% to 56.2%. At the same time, in 2020, compared to 2019, the number of unemployed persons in Ukraine increased by 186.5 thousand people. The author conducted an in-depth analysis of the aforementioned characteristics for 10 years, and the study for this period found that it takes job hunters an average of five to seven months to find a job. The lowest reported value of this indicator was observed in 2014 and 2019 (five months). As of May 1, 2020, the State Employment Service registered 53,099 vacancies, with the largest number of jobs recorded in the processing industry, and the smallest number in the financial and insurance activities. In 2021, compared to 2020, the number of people in Ukraine who were classified as unemployed decreased by 11.5%. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of certain indicators of the labour market looking at Ukraine in comparison with the European Union. The study found that in 2019 in the vast majority of EU member states the employment rate (for people aged 15 to 64) is higher than in Ukraine. Nevertheless, there areseveral exceptions, namely Greece (56.5%), Italy (59%) and Croatia (62.1%).References
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