
  • S. S. Skakovska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • O. V. Kotyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




professional competence, key competencies, professionalism, competency, future financier.


The article examines the nature and content of professional competence of future financiers. Different approaches of scientists in determining the nature of the term «professional competence», «competency» and «core competencies» were analyzed. There was found that modern society needs competent professionals who have not only professional knowledge and skills, but also can make responsible decisions in situations of choice, are tend to cooperate, include mobility, dynamism, constructive, adaptability, ability to realize their creativity. Therefore educational institutions should pay special attention to the formation of professional competence of future professionals. The education should promote independent thinking, develop creativity, improve professional training of specialist. From this depends largely on the extent how future professionals will be able to combine modern knowledge’s andprofessionalism of social activity and high morality. The various approaches to the overall classification of the structure of professional competence of the specialists were defined, with the help of which one can determine how competitive future specialist in finance and credit is and ensure his success.The expediency of using of competency approach in vocational training offinanciers was proved, and there was found that it is essential to graduate, in particular to specialist in «Finance and Credit». In order to organize professional training of students during their study effectively, one should predict the behavior of the student in professional activity. The orientation of the institution on the formation of the appropriate level of professional competence of future specialists in finances can help to ensure the integrity of the educational process and the height of the level of its quality. The decisive role in formation of professional competence of future specialists in finance have not only competence, professionalism and skill of young specialist, but also an internal subjective attitude to the activities of its objects, tools, methods. That is why, it is important to equip in future financiers research skills, ability to navigate in the world of science, the laws of its development, systematically and creatively search the information. The learning process should not only equip students with knowledge, skills, but also develop an active cognitive activity that, in its turn, acts as the driving force behind the overall development of personality. After analyzing the nature, content and structure of professional competence, there was concluded that it is an important indicator of professional development of each student. Therefore, the term «professional competence» continues to complement and becomes more voluminous and requires constant renewal and development in accordance with the requirements of modern education.

Author Biographies

S. S. Skakovska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Senior Lecturer

O. V. Kotyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Senior Lecturer


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