region, nature management, pollution, anthropogenic impact.Abstract
Ukraine is characterized by a high share of resource-intensive and energy-intensive technologies, the implementation and expansion of which was carried without the installation of the necessary treatment facilities and equipment.Atmospheric air. In 2017 the Southern and Central regions were characterized by the largest volumes of pollutants into the atmosphere, from stationary sources among the regions of Ukraine. In the Southern region they amounted to 1,019.1 thousand tons, which is 8.5 times more than the same year’s emissions in the Northern region.Flora and forest resources. According to the State Agency of ForestResources, there is a cyclical nature of illegal logging cases, which isinextricably linked by rising or falling levels of economic activities inUkraine.The number of officially recorded violations are the largest in theNorthern (3484 units) and Western (2706 units) regions; the smallest – in the Southern region.At the first place in the numbers of recorded illegal logging in Rivneregion (1676 units). A significant number of illegal logging is recorded inLviv, Volyn and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The lowest number (less than40 units) – in the Mykolaiv area.Water resources. Releases of pollutants from industrial enterprisesand municipal services, also runoffs from agricultural areas and territoriesoccupied by landfills, have a significant negative impact on water bodies.The largest % of polluted water in the total amount of waterdischarged into water bodies are observed in the North – 30% and Central – 27.4% of the regions.At the first place in terms of a number of polluted centres are theCentral region (61 units).Land resources. The level of ploughing of the state territory is veryhigh – over 54%. The actual forest cover of the Ukraine territory is only 16%, which is not enough to ensure ecological balance.Level of agricultural ploughing lands is highest in the Southern,Central and Eastern regions, where it exceeds 70%.Minerals. The largest number of facilities for the extraction of mineralresources in Ukraine located in the East (965 sites) and the South (565 sites).The task is to form an economic-organizational mechanism, whichwould contribute to its rationalization, accelerated the socio-economic growth of the regions, ensured the social efficiency of the use of components of "natural capital" in the reproduction process.References
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