
  • V. A. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • I. R. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



recreational resources, tourist products, economic effect, social effect, tourist potential, tourism development strategy.


Given the presence in the Rivne region of unique natural andrecreational resources, historical and cultural monuments, rich flora andfauna, various recreation areas, which are one of the factors of sustainable tourism development, there is a critically low level of their development, operation and return. The article analyzes the state and dynamics of their use, efficiency, problems and development potential. After all, the formation of the tourism industry in Rivne region is important for the socio-economic development of the region. In particular, the contribution of tourism enterprises to the development of the economy is manifested in the form of economic and social effects of their operation. The economic effect is manifested in the amount of revenues to the budgets of regional and state importance, the amount of investment in the development of infrastructure in the industry; and social - in improving the welfare of society (reducing unemployment, preserving and restoring the natural potential of the region and historical and cultural heritage, raising living standards, etc.). In addition, within the framework of such an overall positive effect on the development of society, which creates a tourist product, the development of tourism infrastructure contributes to strengthening the economy of theregion, the state through job creation and development of related industries. That is why the tourism industry in the development strategy of Rivne region until 2027 is one of the priorities and is designed for 7 years. It includes the promotion of the region through the intensification of sports, events, historical and gastronomic tourism, agritourism in "green estates", and stylized ethnic settlements, where you can learn ancient crafts, and cycling routes, which are ennobled and developed every year. The main goals are to expand the range of tourism products, work to increase the potential of tourism service providers. And the future, the future of the economy of Rivne region and Ukraine as a whole depends on the way of further development. 

Author Biographies

V. A. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

I. R. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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