entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, mechanism of entrepreneurship support, SADT-methodology.Abstract
The national and foreign experience of supporting youthentrepreneurship is analyzed. Compared to the domestic practice ofsupporting youth entrepreneurship, there is a wider range of tools tosupport youth self-employment and youth entrepreneurship abroad.In most EU countries, recognizing the importance of small business tothe economy, they are taking steps to build entrepreneurial potentialand create favorable market conditions for the development of youthentrepreneurship. There are various mechanisms and models ofsupport for youth entrepreneurship in the world that are integratedinto youth education and training systems. In particular, indirectfinancial support for youth entrepreneurship: subsidies, preferentiallending, preferential taxation, and counseling and mentoringprograms for young people.The need to develop a mechanism for supporting youthentrepreneurship in Ukraine has been proved. A conceptual model ofthe mechanism of youth entrepreneurship development based onSADT methodology is proposed, by which the functions performed bythe system are analyzed, specifications of requirements and functionsof the designed system are described and systems are designed. TheSADT methodology (created on the basis of the SASD methodology) isone of the most well-known systems analysis and designmethodologies.The peculiarity is that it models such properties of systems ascontrol, feedback and resources. The conceptual model consists offour subsystems: 1) nation level; 2) regional level; 3) educationalsubsystem; 4) infrastructure subsystem. The Youth EntrepreneurshipDevelopment Mechanism is a complex system that encompassesmany elements that are interconnected by common goals, objectives, projects and functions. And the quality of these linkages depends onhow well the system works.References
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