natural monopoly, investment attractiveness, water management complex, agricultural complex, ecologization.Abstract
The article proves that the implementation of an innovation andinvestment model of economic growth in the country from a politicalgoal turns into an objective necessity. It is confirmed that a rationalsymbiosis of economy and ecology is needed to reduce the outflow ofinvestments from the country, improve the quality of the environment,increase the resource potential of the region. In the article proved thatsystematic cooperation, production processes detailing, taking intoaccount the features of managing the innovation and investmentprocesses and focusing on the functional and sectoral structures ofwater and agricultural complex is advisable. The peculiarities ofnatural monopolies have been considered. The components ofmanaging the innovation and investment development of naturalmonopolies’ enterprises have been offered. The article deals with theinterpretation of the concept of «water management complex» as acomponent of agriculture, water management and nature resourcesmanagement. It is proved that the negative tendencies in the watermanagement’ development are due, first of all, to the imperfection ofthe institutional environment of water use, that doesn’t possess asufficient set of modern forms of innovation and investment supportfor the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of waterfacilities, rehabilitation of natural water bodies and itscommercialization. The expediency of taking into account theenvironmental factor in assessing the investment attractiveness ofagricultural enterprises and water management organizations havebeen substantiated. The article finds that modern approaches toattracting the investments, require further improvement in «state –region – enterprise» system.References
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