
  • I. L. Sazonets National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. V. Dzhyndzhoian Dnipro University of the Humanities, Dnipro



social interaction, entrepreneurship, corporations, processes, forms.


The article determines that entrepreneurship is a very diverseeconomic phenomenon, the research of which must be conducted on asound methodological basis. Historical aspects of entrepreneurshipdevelopment, influence of international institutions, structure ofnational economy, dynamics of formation of entrepreneurial andcorporate sector – all these factors influence the peculiarities ofsocial activity in entrepreneurship and social interaction of businessstructures with the institutional environment and civil society.The authors present periodization of entrepreneurshipdevelopment in Ukraine. The current stages of the article presented inthe article periodization make it possible to conclude that socialprocesses are widespread in domestic business structures. Theseprocesses are fully supported in the process of public policyimplementation. In addition, scientists also determine the need forseparate state support for social activities in entrepreneurship.Social interaction of business structures with the institutionalenvironment and civil society manifests itself in the territory ofUkraine, in its economic life in the form of the introduction ofprinciples of sustainable development by large corporations, theaccession of business structures and other organizations andinstitutions to the UN Global Compact, the introduction of theprinciples of corporate social responsibility, the development of socialfactors activities in traditional, corporate and high-techentrepreneurship, distribution of a new form under social entrepreneurship and dissemination of principles and measures ofsocial investment in corporations of Ukraine and in the territories ofthe united communities.Social entrepreneurship is defined as a new type ofentrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship – entrepreneurial activityis aimed at innovative, significant and positive change in society.While businessmen are focused on generating financial profits, socialentrepreneurs are raising social capital. They are involved in areassuch as education, the environment, poverty and human rights.

Author Biographies

I. L. Sazonets, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

V. V. Dzhyndzhoian, Dnipro University of the Humanities, Dnipro

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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