
  • O. M. Podlevska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. A. Podlevskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



circular economy, green economy, resource decapling, environment, development.


The article summarizes the definitions of circular economy anddecapling, analyzes the role of green economy development in solvingurgent problems of depletion of non-renewable natural resources, theusing of environmentally hazardous resources and technologies inorder to reduce the risk for further economic, environmental andsocial development through the study of dynamics.Studies haveshown that the current situation regarding waste volumes in Ukraineis critical, as about 1.25% of the country's territory is occupied bylandfills. The main trends of waste management indicators in recentyears in Ukraine, which include in addition to the formation of theirdisposal, incineration and disposal in specially designated areas, areanalyzed.This led to the conclusion that at this stage of economicdevelopment there is an urgent need for decapiling, that is, in thetransition to an inclusive and circular economy. Decapling is theability of an economy to grow without a corresponding increase inenergy and resource use (source boundaries) and environmental load(absorption limits).Factors for the growth of GDP resourceproductivity and their relation to the policy of greening the economyfor Ukraine were also conducted. It is revealed that in Ukraine there isan irrational system of nature management and management of thesocio-economic development of the country, which is generallyinefficient and environmentally dangerous.Calculations indicate strengthening in some years negativemanifestations in the national economy and environmental field. Itbecomes obvious need for a balanced state policy aimed at ensuringbalanced development of Ukraine in its economic and environmentalcomponents. A number of measures have been proposed toimplement the circular economy strategy, including incentives forresource conservation, including fairer prices for natural resources,differentiated payment for waste disposal, changes in tax and publicprocurement policies to promote resource efficiency and ecoinnovation.

Author Biographies

O. M. Podlevska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

A. A. Podlevskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.)


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