
  • О. V. Popko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




export strategy of Ukraine, the export potential of the food industry, exports of dairy products, market operators.


The article is to identify opportunities for the development of export potential of food industry of Ukraine in conditions of globalization. The study outlines the priority directions of the development of the export potential of the food industry of Ukraine, analyzes the dynamics of volumes of production, exports and imports of milk and dairy products. SWOT-analysis of the domestic dairy industry in the conditions of activation of integration processes was conducted. As a result of investigations it was proved that the priority areas of the food industry export potential of Ukraine in the framework of the Export Strategy of Ukraine in 2017-2021 years include creating conditions for the development of trade in order to diversify export of Ukrainian goods and services; Export is supported by the state, and to improve the knowledge and skills needed for industrial enterprises of international trade. The methodological principles of implementing export potential include food security; consolidation of current trading positions; diversification of markets. The implementation of the export strategy at the state level involves the production of complete and safe dairy products; the impossibility of bacterial, chemical and physical contamination; ensuring the maximum storage of food quality and reducing the loss of biological value of dairy products; formation of an improved normative and methodological base of state supervision on the quality and safety of dairy products and food raw materials, control over the production, procurement, supply, transportation, preservation and sale of products, as well as to create conditions for the production of dairy products of guaranteed quality; development of a modern instrumental and analytical framework for controlling the safety of food raw materials and dairy products. Implementations export strategy at international level involves the study of traditional and finding new markets, diversification of markets, increasing the number of export items processed food products. 

Author Biography

О. V. Popko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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