cement industry, industrial enterprises, analysis, management system, crisis management.Abstract
Under conditions of social transformations, industrial enterprises are not only an important element of the national economy but also a powerful source of economic growth as separate sectors in which they operate, as well as, the state as a whole. The cement industry is considered to be by the UN as one of the most important components that characterizes the level of development of the country. The today’s state of development of the industrial enterprises of the cement industry of Ukraine is due to the integration and transformational processes that determine the variability and uncertainty of the environment of their functioning. Independently on size, industrial enterprises are increasingly faced with the manifestation of crisis phenomena. The key ones are increased competition with international cement manufacturers, unfair internal competition, instability of resource suppliers, supply chain disruptions, significant energy intensity of production, volatility demand for production of enterprises due to unpredictability of construction in the country, etc. There are numerous sectoral factors of crisis phenomena, increasing the frequency of their manifestations which predetermine the deterioration of the performance indicators of the enterprises in the cement industry. It requires the formation and use of an effective management system in their activities. Moreover, due to financial, intellectual and time-limited constraints, such an effective management system should take into account in addition to traditional, innovative management approaches. It would reduce uncertainty of the environment and reflexively interact with market participants to improve the performance of industrial enterprises and strengthening their competitive position in the domestic and international markets. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and justify the prospects of managing the activities of the enterprises of the cement industry in modern conditions and can be the basis for the adoption of effective management decisions by top management of enterprises.References
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