
  • А. D. Kalko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • N. B. Kushnir National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • S. I. Korotun National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



rural tourism, entrepreneurship, program, lands of sustainable development, administrative district, greening of the territory, environmental protection functions of the territory, self-employment.


The article analyzes rational approaches to the need to develop rural tourism in the conditions of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine in the western regions of Ukraine. Rural tourism is spending free time in a rural environment, which is characterized by appropriate buildings, rural life, a picturesque landscape and rest or recreation far from noisy cities. It is divided into several directions depending on the goal set by tourists – active, cultural and ethnic trips, visits to nature reserves and landscape parks, fishing and hunting, etc. In order to coordinate the efforts of all participants in the process of promoting self-employment of the local population, it is advisable to develop an appropriate regional program outlining the conditions for a comprehensive combination of the potentials of entire regions. The basis for the formation and development of rural tourism should be the ecological and recreational balance of the territory. The first stage is the determination of landscape and ecological priorities and the ranking of functions in the order of their significance for the region.  Nature protection functions should be performed by land of sustainable use, in particular, land of nature protection purpose. Prospects for the widespread introduction of small entrepreneurship in the field of rural tourism  are outlined on the example of the western administrative regions of Ukraine, which belong to the regions of Ukraine with relatively preserved natural geosystems. The presented varieties of services and directions of rural tourism Among the potential opportunities and directions of development ofthe tourist resource base can be mentioned folk crafts, traditional dishes, entertainment, excursion and local history one-day tours accompanied by a guide, providing information about the area and other types of tourist products that associated with the traditional local way of life. The authorsidentified the main directions of accelerated development of rural tourism. 

Author Biographies

А. D. Kalko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

N. B. Kushnir, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Professor

S. I. Korotun, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


Що таке зелений туризм: його особливості та різновиди. URL: (дата звернення: 08.09.2022).

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