alternative energy, state support, «green tariff», European Climate Network, energy efficiency.Abstract
The article examines the issue of the relevance of the use of alternative energy in Ukraine, especially emphasizing its relevance and necessity in connection with the war, when the terrorist country russia is actively striking critical points of the infrastructure, namely our CHPs in all regions. The experience of the European Union regarding the creation of prerequisites for the development of alternative electricity in the EU countries, namely the European Climate Network, has developed measures that should accelerate the transition to alternative energy of all countries safely and compatible with the Paris Agreement on the energy transition to the EU. The legislative regulation of alternative electricity in Ukraine was considered, it was noted that the energy strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2035 «Safety, energy efficiency, competitiveness» was developed in Ukraine, which was developed back in 2017, but it was noted that currently in the conditions of war and terrorist actions of russia, it needs quick and decisive action. The essence of the «green tariff» and the conditions of state support for its implementation are considered. The state should promote a new direction in energy and create incentive mechanisms for small and medium-sized businesses in order to attract both financial and human resources to this industry. However, it should participate in the financing of the development and implementation of renewable energy sources, because with the progress of this industry, the return on invested funds can become an additional source of income for the state budget. The development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine is one of the most important factors in the modernization of the country's economy. The successful implementation of the modernization process promotes the spread of innovative production, the development of new technologies, and the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Over time, this will lead to improved social conditions, creation of new jobs, improved ecology and effective post-war recovery of the country.References
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