
  • N. E. Kovshun National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • N. S. Pіatka Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo
  • I. А. Zhydyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




ecological investments, efficiency, financing of ecological investments, efficiency criterion, methodical approach, integrated indicator, Ukraine.


The article defines the content of environmental investments and highlights their characteristics. Taking into account the main directions of ecological investment, the semantic model of interaction of its objects and subjects is presented.The results of the research of the main directions of financing of  nature protection activity in Ukraine are presented. The tendencies of change of nominal and real volumes of capital investments in environmental protection are established. A retrospective study of their components was conducted. The level of investment support for environmental protection in Ukraine is considered low. the volume of investments in integrated technologies does not contribute to the formation of the resource base for modernization, reconstruction, and technical re-equipment of environmental infrastructure. The identified limited sources of funding are caused by excessive statehood and centralization of the environmental management  system. The urgency of the problem of adequate assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of environmental investments is shown.Taking into account the scientific developments of international organizations and the world’s leading think tanks, proposals have been developed on methods for assessing the effectiveness of environmental investments. The stages and levels of such assessment are highlighted. As a result of approbation of the offered methodological approach, the dynamics of the integrated indicator of the efficiency of ecological investments in Ukraine as a whole and a regional context is established. There is an annual increase in capital investment in  environmental protection and a decrease in the values of key indicators that characterize environmental pollution. But the formalized efficiency of environmental investment in the vast majority is negative.

Author Biographies

N. E. Kovshun, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

N. S. Pіatka, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer

I. А. Zhydyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Deputy Director of the Institute оf Institute of Postgraduate Education of NUWEE for Educational and Methodological Work


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