
  • O. V. Zaiachkivska National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



finance, foreign economic activity, Law of Ukraine «On foreign economic activity».


The economic transformations taking place in Ukraine are aimed at thegradual integration of Ukrainian enterprises into the system of  international economic relations, on the one hand, and the involvement of foreign entrepreneurs in Ukraine – on the other. The importance of such ties in the development of countries, including Ukraine, is constantly growing. The historical development of a number of countries confirms the positive impact and benefits of expanding the participation of each of them in the international division of labor and in various forms of international relations.It is obvious that the foreign economic activity of each country is animportant condition for its economic growth. This is especially true inmodern conditions, when the processes of international  economic integration, transnationalization, international division of labor, globalization of the world economy are gaining intensive development. Foreign economic activity promotes the development of promising areas of export potential; It is at the expense of foreign economic activity that our country solves the problem of shortage of energy, the latest machinery and equipment, technology, and some consumer goods. The article contains scientific views on the concept of «foreign economic activity». The essence of the concept of «foreign economic activity» is revealed and supplemented. The conclusions provide the author's definition of this concept. Given all the above, we can conclude that foreign economic activity is part of the overall activities of the enterprise, which arises from the interaction of economic entities of Ukraine and foreign partners, for the effective implementation of international activities between them. It is an independent activity of an economic entity, which is, on the one hand, an integral part of the economic activity of the entity, and on the other – such part of its activities, which is carried out at another, international level, which requires communication with economic entities objects of other countries.

Author Biography

O. V. Zaiachkivska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Environmental Economics


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