foreign economic security, international integration, international economic relations, export, import.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to improve the methodological tools for assessing the state foreign economic security in accordance with the latest global trends.The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that recent processes at the global level indicate the need to modify approaches to assessing foreign economic security.The essence and methods of assessing the foreign economic security of the state are considered in the article. Modern approaches to the transformation of the structure of foreign economic security indicators in accordance with current trends of international integration are analyzed.Factors of external influence on economic security are determined. Based on the analysis of the components of Ukraine's foreign economic securityassessment, the impact of international relations, in particular hybrid warfare and military security on Ukraine's economic security components, the current method of calculating economic security is proposed to include the following indicators: share of exports to the aggressor country in total exports; the share of imports from the aggressor country in total imports; the share of investments of the aggressor country in the enterprises of Ukraine in the total amount of foreign direct investment; the share of sales of imported food products of the aggressor country through the trade network of enterprises; the share of the capital of the aggressor country in the structure of bank capital; total export of financial resources to the aggressor country; the ratio of external debt to the aggressor country to GDP; the share of the capital of the aggressor country in the capital of insurance companies.Prospects for further research in this area are the analysis of the impact of other global processes, in particular the coronavirus pandemic, onpossible additions to the composition of indicators and their analysis.References
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