
  • N. E. Kovshun National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. M. Strilchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. M. Tsikhanovska Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of the West Ukrainian National University, Vinnytsia



agro-industrial complex, Kherson region, melioration, plant growing, animal husbandry, market of agricultural products.


The article is devoted to determining the current state, trends and directions of development of the agrarian sector of the Kherson region. The structure and dynamics of the leading indicators of agricultural production in the Kherson region were studied. The influence of the climatic conditions of 2021 on crop and animal husbandry was studied. The role of the reclamation complex in developing the agrarian sphere is shown. Measures aimed at restoring the role of reclaimed land in the food and resource supply of the state have been analyzed. The changes taking place in the market of agricultural products and food in the Kherson region were studied. The problems and promising directions of the formation of the network of agricultural service cooperatives were determined.The analysis of the main tasks of the development of the agro-industrial sphere in the Kherson region was carried out. The ecological consequences of the extensive use of agricultural land are highlighted. It was established that one of the main problems of land use in the region is soil degradation. A number of programs aimed at the development of agriculture and irrigation, which are financed from the regional and state budgets, are characterized. Aspects that must be taken into account when forming strategic directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex are defined.Practical recommendations for increasing the volume of production of plant products have been formed. Measures are proposed to improve the implementation of the state policy on providing financial support to the livestock industry. The role of information and explanatory work in the development of the network of agricultural service cooperatives is emphasized. It has been analyzed how the USAID program for agricultural and rural development (AGRO) is implemented in the Kherson region.

Author Biographies

N. E. Kovshun, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

V. M. Strilchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


O. M. Tsikhanovska, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of the West Ukrainian National University, Vinnytsia

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor


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