economic security of the enterprise, components of economic security, approaches, evaluation methods, comprehensive assessment.Abstract
The article investigates and summarizes approaches to assessing the level of economic security of the enterprise. The most common approaches such as indicator, resource-functional, program-target and approach based on the theory of economic risks are highlighted. The content, advantages and disadvantages of each of them are analyzed. It is determined that the modern economic literature does not have a single method of comprehensive assessment of the economic security of the enterprise, taking into account all the necessary criteria. The use of a methodological approach is developed, which is developed on the basis of generalization of several approaches and consists of successful stages of assessment for a comprehensive assessment of the level of economic security of the enterprise. The developed technique is carried out in the following sequence: at the first stage the information base of research is defined. Sources of information should be the financial statements of the enterprise, the main technical and economic indicators, labor indicators, environmental conditions, etc.; in the second stage, indicators are selected to assess the economic security of each structural component of the economic security of the enterprise. For this purpose in the course of scientific research one of the most informative, according to authors, indicators characterizing structural components of economic safety of the enterprise was chosen; the third stage determines the level of economic security for each component. Therefore, after the systematization of indicators, an assessment of each structural component of economic security, namely financial, technical and technological, intellectual and personnel, environmental and political and legal.References
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