
  • Yanan Li Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia
  • O. M. Tsikhanovska Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of the West Ukrainian National University, Vinnytsia



national economy, banking system, participants of economic activity, sectoral interaction, management.


The article reveals the essence of sectoral interaction of economic activity participants through the study of the categorical apparatus: «economic activity participants», «sectoral interaction», «management».An own approach to understanding the concept of «management» has been built - it is a type of activity in the middle of the system, with the help of which the optimal way of grouping work, distribution of powers and responsibilities at different levels is determined, which is aimed at achieving the proper state in the system itself and in the environment, constituent elements which is: an object, a goal and a management system that unites the management object and the management system.Four approaches to the structuring of the economy by sector were studied. In the study, the third approach is defined as basic, where the banking system as a sector of the economy affects the functioning of the country's economic system, ensuring the smooth functioning of economic relationships, the interaction of subjects of economic activity, social and individual reproduction.It has been proven that the banking system is a key basis of interaction for participants in economic activity.It was determined that «sectoral interaction» is a system consisting of a large number of system elements: subjects, environment, types, objects, purpose, forms, types, terms, schemes, structure, nature, principles, methods, means, processes, results. The types of sectoral interaction were grouped according to the following characteristics: according to the place of subjects in the hierarchical management system; by place of implementation; according to the implementation environment; by functional areas; by nature of participation; by used resources; according to the unity of the time and place of the performed work; according to the content of the work; by type of connections.The concept of «participants of economic activity» has been defined according to the regulatory document of Ukraine, which is based on the theory of management, namely: economic subjects are participants in economic (economic) relations (organizations with their structural subdivisions), individual citizens who conduct entrepreneurship without establishing an enterprise.It has been proven that there are a number of important conditions when managing the sectoral interaction of participants in economic activity.It is proved that the needs of the real sector are provided by the financial sector in the course of sectoral interaction. It was determined that the sectoral interaction between the real sector of the economy and the banking sector is an open system, the participants of which have multidimensional connections aimed at the development of financial infrastructure, rules of interaction, the provision of various financial services, the development of new financial instruments and innovations, the creation of new knowledge, promoting the professional development of participants.

Author Biographies

Yanan Li, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia

Postgraduate Student

O. M. Tsikhanovska, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of the West Ukrainian National University, Vinnytsia

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor


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