
  • O. V. Kotyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Y. Y. Klуmіuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



life insurance, life insurance market, insurance premiums, insurance companies, volume of assets, solvency of insurance companies.


The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the life insurance market in Ukraine. It highlights the main components that shape the structure of the life insurance market, the factors influencing  the development of this industry, analyzes the main indicators based on statistical data of the National Bank of Ukraine, indicating the activity of the life insurance market, such as insurance premiums and payments,  changes in insurance reserves, number of insurance companies, structure of insurance benefits by type of insurance, volume of assets of life insurance companies, and their solvency. Also, special attention is paid to the problems and factors that hinder the development of the life insurance market in Ukraine. These problems are mainly related to the  imperfect legal framework, the level of financial literacy of society, burdensome tax legislation, unfair competition and corruption in the market, lack of an effective system of protection of insurance consumers, low qualifications of insurance intermediaries, lack of proper supervision and control over activities and market behavior of insurance companies and intermediaries have led to the accumulation of systemic problems that need to be addressed urgently. Practical recommendations for solving currentproblems are given, in particular: introduction of a system of guaranteeing insurance payments under life insurance contracts; creation of  a branch organization for life insurance; optimization of tax legislation, in particular the introduction of tax benefits that will encourage policyholders to buy life insurance policies; improving approaches to state regulation andsupervision of insurers' capital and its structure; optimization of the structure of distribution of funds accumulated by insurers; introduction of new insurance products, advanced methods of risk management;  advanced training of employees of insurance companies, etc. 

Author Biographies

O. V. Kotyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer

Y. Y. Klуmіuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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