knowledge economy, information and communication technologies, sustainability, educational institution, market of educational services.Abstract
The study aims to identify the prerequisites for ensuring educationquality and encouraging lifelong learning opportunities needed in aknowledge economy. The article considers the possibilities of usinginformation and communication technologies for student learning andhuman resources development. Also, we consider the connection betweeninformation and communication technologies and distance learning.The traditional approach to education, which provides hard skills andprepares for one job in life, needs to change. Therefore, we must anticipate any future changes in the workplace during the transfer of knowledge to students, the formation of their skills and abilities. An important aspect of preparation for the interaction of human and software-hardware actors is the creation and mastery in the process of learning certain models of reality through education, which forms the necessary skills and abilities. One of the ways to this goal is the introduction of disciplines in the subject area of information and communication technologies in the economics curricula.Considering distance learning in education, human resourcedevelopment technologies and information and communication technologies in education, we can say that the biggest advantage of information and communication technologies is the ability to use an individual approach to students, which allows taking into account their psychological characteristics, which significantly improves the quality of learning material and increases the overall effectiveness of education. To prepare for changes in the business environment, the technological level of production, we offer updates to educational programs with an emphasis on information and communication technologies.References
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