bank, deposits, loans, NBU policy, cash flows, savings, financial result.Abstract
The article covers the issues of Deposit and credit policy in the courseof the activities of commercial banks in Ukraine. The main indicators thatcharacterize the scale and volume of funds, as well as the dynamics of the overall financial result of commercial banks, are analyzed. We analyzed the dynamics of deposits attracted by commercial banks, as well as the dynamics of the difference between the total volume of loans and deposits.The essence and principles of the Bank’s Deposit policy formation arestudied. External and internal factors of influence on the Deposit policy are determined. The stages of formation of the Deposit policy, the main issues and the decision to accept it and solve possible problems. The main financial result for the end of 2018 is considered.The essence and features of the formation and implementation of thecredit policy of a commercial Bank are considered. The structure anddynamics of loans provided by banks in the post-crisis period are analyzed.The problems encountered in the lending process are identified and theirimpact on the development of the Ukrainian economy is proved.The place and role of Deposit and credit policy of a commercial Bank inensuring the effectiveness of the banking system is considered. Generalized tools for implementing the Deposit policy of a commercial Bank. Measures for improvement and development are proposed deposit policy of banks. In modern conditions for the development of the Ukrainian economy implementation of effective credit policy strategies of commercial banks it will help to strengthen the banking sector in order to consolidate the economic stability of the state.We also calculated the dynamics of growth rates of deposits and loans.Ways to improve methods of conducting deposit policy of commercial banks are suggested.References
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