export, dairy products, milk, raw materials, milk production, exporting countries.Abstract
Milk is an obligatory component of the diet of every person. Nutritivevalue of milk and dairy products can be hardly overestimated. The aim of the research is to outline scientific approaches concerning analysis and prospects of development of dairy products export within the context of extension of the European integration conditions. To make the investigation the authors have applied general scientific and specific methods of research, particularly inductive, deductive – for collection, systematization and processing of information, graphical – for visual presentation of the results of statistical data, abstractlogical – for theoretical generalization and conclusions making. Ukraine has recently entered the list of top 10 leaders of dairy products export. Among dairy products, the greatest share of export is taken by sweet butter and cheese. Those products were fast exported both in 2017 and in 2018. In 2018, Ukraine imported dairy products to the amount of 20.9 million USD and exported milk and dairy products to the amount of 68.5 million USD. The products were mainly exported to Kazakhstan, Moldova, Morocco, Georgia, China, and Armenia. In the first quarter of 2019, Ukraine received by 19% less income from dairy products transactions than in the same period of the last year, i.e. 53.9 million USD. The dynamics of changes in export of dairy products is caused by different reasons, particularly, each country has its preferences; choice of an export direction requires investigation of trading regimes; Ukrainian exporters need to get EUR1 certificate; packaging and labeling should agree with the European standards; a wide range of products is needed for export. To increase the volume of export, the authors of the work propose to create an informative platform, which should supply the full range of services to support foreign trade of Ukraine; to find wholesaling and retailing distributors in the exporting country; to increase the level of investments in products promotion at the international markets; to minimize efforts for search of a niche at the market and focus attention on its development; to create a mechanism of state regulation; to improve the existing regulatory base.References
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