land market, property rights, land reform, lease, monetary valuation.Abstract
The results of research on the problems of the land market in Ukraine are represented. The analysis of bills on the land market in Ukraine has been conducted and their positive and negative aspects have been identified. A number of practical recommendations for the development of the agricultural land market are proposed. However, we consider, that every villager or shareholder should have the right to sell his ‘real estate’, but only to the State Land Bank (which must be created), at market prices at European level. The bank provides through land auctions long-term lease of land to any investor (domestic, foreign) who will pay more with the obligatory requirement to maintain the quality characteristics of land and the development of processing capacity in the region of lease of agricultural land (united territorial communities). For the development of a Ukrainian village, the restriction of potential tenants in the area of 20 or 200 hectares of agricultural land is impossible. the The success of the farmer (the tenant, the investor) is possible only by means of free circulating capital which can be obtained through a closed cycle of production (agricultural products, livestock complexes, processing enterprises, sales, cash). For this purpose it is necessary to have agricultural lands with the area from 2000 hectares. The article also emphasizes the urgent need to bring normative monetary valuation of agricultural land to the average European level.References
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