state regulation of mortgage lending, mechanism of state regulation, land-mortgage lending, agrarian production.Abstract
Providing favorable conditions for the existence of the agrarian business is impossible without the participation of the state as a subject of regulation and participant in economic relations. The purpose of the article is to investigate the existing legislative framework on state regulation and support for mortgage lending and to identify areas for its improvement.The article classifies the legislative acts that determine the legal basis for the functioning of mortgage lending in Ukraine, in particular: the issue of regulation of the use of property rights to real estate, land mortgages, mortgage institutions, infrastructure institutions, mortgage securities, state agricultural support programs, farmers, mortgage documentation, mortgage real estate insurance.The analysis of the domestic legal framework regarding lending on secured real estate, including agricultural land, makes it possible toconclude that there is a sufficiently clear procedure for lending to individuals and legal entities secured by real estate and propertyrights. Legislative support for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, in particular through the procedure of granting mortgages tofinance the construction and the purchase of agricultural machineryand other means of production, includes a set of laws and regulationsthat regulate relations in this field. With regard to the functioning of land-based mortgage lending to businesses of business entities, it can be argued that there are significant restrictions on the use of land plots as collateral. Most of the inconsistencies in the current legislative developments are due to the existence of transitional periods and divergences of views of the participants of the legislative process at different stages of the formation of an independent economic and political system. The current order of investing in the agricultural sector needs further optimization in order to improve the conditions for access to small and medium-sized agribusiness entities.References
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