quality management, standards, marketing instruments, competition, strategic marketing, competition environmentAbstract
The quality of the tourist product is characterized by the quality of the services included in its composition. In the study of quality tourist services there are three levels: technical quality, social quality, environmental quality. With the development of the tourism industry, the mandatory requirements are to ensure the safety of life and health; guarantee of service; the safety of the property of tourists; protection of the environment. The main options for a product quality management strategy are: formation of quality management activity in the higher and middle management, formation of quality management activities in the quality management system, formation of quality at the level of technology of implementation of tourist services formation of quality at the level of technology of implementation of tourist services In order to properly manage the quality of a product (service) in a competitive environment and expand the markets of activities, including overseas, companies are switching to the use of international standards, the most important of which is the standard of the ISO 9000 series.References
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