
  • A. І. Martiіenko Institute of Market Problems and Economic-ecological researches, NAS of Ukraine
  • N. I. Khumarova Institute of Market Problems and Economic-ecological researches, NAS of Ukraine


administrative management systems, property relations, water resources, economic and ecological methods, water transport, river routes.


Introduction. Specific features of water resources consist of their universality, alternative and multivariative use in all areas of the national economy and the livelihood of natural ecosystems. The surface water resources distributed unevenly across the territory of Ukraine, therefore the issues concerning the improvement of the system of its administrative management are actualized.Aim. The aim of article is to develop of theoretical and applied provisions on the development of property relations in water management system.Materials and methods. In study were used regulatory documents and legislative acts, in particular the draft Hydropower Development Program for the period until 2026; functional duties of state bodies of government as subjects of disposal of the national property for water resources, in the part of issuance of permits for water use; scientific publications of scientists in the field of water use, assessment ofwater resources, implementation of environmental safety on the basis of organizational and economic management methods; methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, system, economical and ecological methods.Results. It is determined that in the institutional base of the state water use management, property relations in water use between the state, regional authorities and users are undeveloped in relation to: use of water resources for the purpose of water supply and drainage; use of water for the needs of fish farming; use of transboundary water resources; use of water without its extraction from water objects for the hydropower and water transport needs. It is substantiated thatfurther development of relations of ownership of water resources between state authorities, as managers of national property, and subjects of water use will lead to balanced and integrated planning of inland water transport. It will ensure reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment and sustainable development of the territory.

Author Biographies

A. І. Martiіenko, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-ecological researches, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Head of Department

N. I. Khumarova, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-ecological researches, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Head Researcher


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Аналіз Урядової програми розвитку гідроенергетики України

на період до 2026 року. URL:


