


enterprise information system, business process automation, ERP system, SAAS solution, CRM system


Today, by world trends, the IT industry is actively developing in Ukraine, which is accompanied by the rapid introduction of information technologies in all spheres of the social and business environment. The Ukrainian market of information systems for business is changing dynamically, so companies face the challenge of choosing effective information systems. At the same time, the implementation and maintenance of information systems require investments; their effectiveness is an important factor in business success. Therefore, the study of the peculiarities of the Ukrainian information systems functioning for enterprises and the analysis of the IT market for entrepreneurship is relevant. Today, in Ukraine there are a lot of software products for business offered, both foreign and domestic. We present the results of research on Ukrainian information systems capabilities. The current market of domestic information systems for enterprises is represented by standard and industry-specific solutions, whose functionality is focused on the category of business entities (micro, small, medium, and large enterprises). Typical software solutions do not take into account industry-specific business features; they provide automation of management and accounting tasks by the requirements of the law (accounting information systems), processes of interaction with partners (CRM systems), electronic document management and reporting, etc. We have reviewed typical information systems solutions for small and medium businesses. Today, industry-specific information systems’ solutions for small and medium enterprises are actively developed in Ukraine. The capabilities of such systems are described. The modern business IT market is characterized by the development of ERP systems. In the vast majority, such systems are designed for large enterprises. The results of research on typical and industry-specific solutions of Ukrainian ERP systems are presented. A feature of modern business information systems is their integration with other applications and technical devices. This capability is important for the effective functioning of an enterprise in the digital economy and the constant growth of information amount. The information systems integration capabilities are studied. The analysis of the capabilities of Ukrainian information systems for enterprises, in our opinion, will help the entity to choose an effective software product for business. 

Author Biographies

Alla Syrotynska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

Oleksandr Syrotynskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.), Associate Professor




