


land relations, state regulation, balanced land use, investment activities, natural resources, investments


In the process of economic activity, the land user invests in land resources, thereby making internal investments. Making internal investments by land users is a logical and natural procedure, because without investments in land, the production process will not be carried out, therefore land capital investments will take place in agriculture in any case, the only question is to increase the interest of land users in agricultural activities and rational land use. Attracting foreign investments will contribute to the implementation of strategic tasks in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of domestic agriculture on world markets. The real potential of investment resources to support the implementation of large-scale projects in the agricultural sector is quite limited. On the one hand, this can demonstrate the priority value of capital investments in the agrarian sector for investors, despite the destructive stagnation of the national economy, and on the other – to counteract the destabilizing influence of threats and ensure support for the process of economic growth, despite the negative socio-economic trends faced sectoral economic complex of the agrarian sector. At the same time, it is important to emphasize the very low share of foreign investments in its overall structure (less than 2%). Such a situation indicates that today foreign investors are mainly interested in using the raw natural resource potential of the domestic agricultural sector, and not in long-term management, which requires the implementation of large-scale investment projects and compliance with the principles of balanced nature management in order to maintain the reproductive capacity of the agricultural sector in the future. Foreign investment capital creates many opportunities for domestic sectors of the economy, such as attracting additional reserves of economic growth, facilitating access to foreign markets for agricultural products, introducing innovative technologies and ensuring a high level of technical and technological modernization of the economy and the agricultural sector, but at the same time it generates certain destabilizing processes. that threaten the national security and economy of the country, may create risks and threats. The presented approach differs from the existing ones in that it emphasizes the methodology of entity management. The classic idea of state regulation of investment processes is based on the definition of only the regulatory and legal component that regulates the actions of its main elements. We consider this approach irrelevant, since the processes of state regulation in the investment sphere require the formation of an appropriate methodology and the development of a system of rules of state public administration. The proposed methodological principles will make it possible to increase the efficiency of investing in land resources. The practical application of this functionality, in order to solve the problem of increasing the effectiveness of state regulation of land use, should form the basis of the development of a structural diagram of the mechanism for regulating investment activities in the field of land use. 

Author Biography

Oleksandr Harnaha, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associated Professor




